Monday 2 June 2014

To Remove The Effects Of Acne

Face masks, best masks for ravenously, to remove the effects of acne, finest face, mask racetrack. Quoted you the ten best recipes natural and proven to eliminate the effects and acne spots recipe first: - egg yolk

Points of lemon - a spoonful of honey small and placed on the face put a light layer to dry and then wash with warm water and can be placed twice a day or once a day. Second recipe:

- 1 tablespoon Large grew up - (half) orange boiled - egg whites - boiled potatoes - a lemon boiled

- 50 ml olive oil for half an hour, "30 minutes." recipe III: Wash your face sulfur or and rinse your face well and is Put him a quantity of apostasy

Soft and Begin Rub and dress Sanding circular movements on the entire face except for the vicinity of the eye and then again and rinse face.

Grease a light layer of moisturizing cream suitable for you repeated twice daily after two weeks of in the recipe, you will notice a difference is very clear in color effects and does not appear pills new. Recipe fourth:

- one tablespoon rose water - spoon ring ground

- egg yolk Mix the ingredients and on your face except the eye area Keep it even wipe oneself and wash your face well modes beyond moisturizing cream (for dry skin) or Wipe your face with rose water (for oily skin).

Recipe fifth: quarter parsley boils like tea after as well as Keep it to become warm. Then wash your face with soap and water am In recent this soaked in the evening as well as when to sleep and

kept the result within two weeks remark 'fridge one of this soaked enough for you per day, morning and evening and then him and only drenched new day and that God will tell result.

Recipe sixth: a cup of pomegranate juice, a teaspoon of vinegar, and smearing these mix traces of pimples several times a day.

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