Monday 18 August 2014

Nutritional Supplement Or A Milkshake.

Eat when you feel hungry, which can mean to eat small portions of food throughout the day. Keep about a wide variety of nutritious foods. Try eating snacks every hour; try with cheese and biscuits, muffins or a mixture.

Make an effort to eat regularly, even if they are only a few snacks or include a nutritional supplement or a milkshake. Be flexible: If does not give hungry at dinnertime, make breakfast, snacks and lunch your main meal.
Getting more calories and protein:

•    Add grated cheese on soups, sauces, casseroles, vegetables, the mashed potatoes, rice, pasta or chops.

•    Eat whole, low-fat milk, cream or enriched milk in meals as well as beverages. He is added to enriched milk fat-free milk powder.

•    Spread peanut butter on bread products or use it as a dip for vegetables and raw fruits; add peanut butter to sauces or use it in pancakes.

•    Skim powdered milk contributes protein. Try adding two tablespoons of skim milk powder to the quantity of milk which is normally used in recipes.

•    Add marshmallows to fruits or hot chocolate and add raisins, dates or chopped nuts and sugar to hot or cold cereal or snack Moreno.

•    A teaspoon of butter adds 45 calories to foods. Mix with the hot foods such as soups, vegetables, mashed potatoes, cooked cereals and rice. Serve over hot foods, since breads, pancakes or hot absorb more butter than cool ones.

•    Use sour cream or yogurt over vegetables such as potatoes (potatoes), vegetables, carrots or squash, similar to as marinade for fruits.

•    Chops of meat, chicken or fish have more calories than the roasted or boiled.

•    Add extra cheese to prepared and frozen pizza.

•    Add chopped boiled egg and cheese to a mixed salad cubes.

•    Serve curd or cheese with canned or fresh fruit.

•    Add grated cheeses, tuna, shrimp, crab, ground beef, and ham in small pieces or eggs cooked and sliced to sauces, rice, casseroles and pasta.

Cystic Fibrosis-Nutritional Considerations

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a potentially fatal disease that causes the accumulation of thick, sticky mucus in the lungs and digestive tract. People who suffer from this disease need to eat foods rich in calories and protein throughout the day. This article discusses the nutritional needs for people who suffer from cystic fibrosis. For specific information about the disease itself, see the article on cystic fibrosis.


The pancreas is an organ that lies in the abdomen behind the stomach. An important work of this body is to produce enzymes, which help the body to digest and absorb protein and fats. However, the accumulation of sticky mucus in the pancreas caused by cystic fibrosis can lead to serious problems, such as:

Stools containing mucus, are foul smelling or float Gas, bloating or abdominal distention Problems to get enough protein, fat, and calories in the diet Because of these problems, people with cystic fibrosis may have difficulty maintaining a normal weight. Even if your weight is normal, you may not be getting proper nutrition. Children with cystic fibrosis cannot grow or develop properly.


The following are methods for adding protein and calories to the diet. In addition to these tips, be sure to be taking a multivitamin containing vitamins A, D, E and K:

Enzymes, vitamins and salt:

The majority of people with cystic fibrosis must take pancreatic enzymes, which help the body to absorb fat and protein. Taking them at all times will decrease or eliminate the stools, gas and swelling.

Talk to your doctor about increasing or decreasing the enzymes, depending on symptoms. Ask the doctor about taking vitamins A, D, E, K and calcium extra. There are formulas for patients with cystic fibrosis.
People who live in warmer climates may need a small amount of additional salt.


Babies who are less premature (born in or after 34 weeks of gestation) often can be fed from a bottle or breast of the mother. At first, it can be easier for premature babies to handle breastfeeding than bottle feeding, since the flow of milk from a bottle is harder to control for them and can choke or stop breathing.

Premature infants have difficulty to maintain the proper balance of water in the body and may be dehydrated. They may lose more water through the skin or via breathing than babies born at term.Kidneys in a premature baby has not grown enough to control the levels of water in the body.

The unit of neonatal intensive care (NICU) team keep you track the amount that premature babies (weighing their diapers) to verify that there is a balance between wet fluid intake and urine output. Also blood tests will be done to monitor the levels of electrolytes.

The mother of the baby human milk is the best for premature infants and low birth weight. Breast milk can protect babies against infections and sudden infant death syndrome SIDS (SIDS), as well as Necrotizing enter colitis.
Some NICU will give donor milk from a milk bank to babies who are at very high risk and which cannot take its own mother's milk.

Special premature formulas can also be used. These milks have a higher amount of fat and protein to meet the needs of special growth of premature infants. More premature babies (34 to 36 weeks of gestation) you can change them to the regular formula or to transitional milk. Premature babies have not been in the uterus long enough to store the nutrients they need and should normally take supplements.

Babies who are breastfeeding may need to fortify called supplementation of human milk mixed in their feeds. This gives those extra vitamins, protein, iron, calcium and calories. It is possible that formula-fed babies need to take supplements of certain nutrients, including vitamins A, C and D, and folic acid.

Equally, it is necessary that some babies who were born prematurely continue taking nutritional supplements after leaving the hospital. For breastfed babies, this may mean one or two bottles of breast milk, fortified by day. Some babies need more supplements than others in order to get enough calories to grow well. After every feeding.

Weight gain and neonatal nutrition

Premature babies need good nutrition, so that they reach a similar weight to that you would have achieved if they were still in uterus.


Babies of less than 37 weeks in the uterus (preterm) have nutritional needs than babies born at term (38 to 42 weeks).Premature babies will often remain in the unit of neonatal intensive care, where they will be careful scrutiny to ensure that they are receiving the correct balance of fluids and nutrition.

Incubators or special heaters help babies to keep their body temperature, which reduces the energy they have to use to stay hot. Also, humidified air (moist) is also used to help maintain body temperature and to avoid loss of liquids.


Babies born before 34 weeks are often unable to feed from a bottle or breast, since they have to coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing problems.

Other conditions can also interfere with the ability of a newborn to feed through to nipple. Some of them are:

•    Respiratory problems

•    Low oxygen levels

•    Circulatory problems

•     Blood infection

It is possible that infants very small or ill need to obtain their nutrition and fluids intravenously.

As they are strengthened, they can begin to receive breast milk or infant formula through a tube that is inserted into the stomach through the nose or mouth. This power is called enteral nasogastric tube.

The quantity of milk or milk formula (formula) increases very slowly to reduce the risk of an intestinal infection called enter colitis Necrotizing (ECN). Breastfed babies are less likely to get the infection.

About your treatment

Your doctor has ordered a nutritional solution total parenteral (TPN).
This solution will drip through a needle or catheter placed into the vein for 10 to 12 hours, five times a week or once a day.

This solution is used in those patients who cannot or should not eat. The nutritional solution may include sugar and carbohydrates (for energy), electrolytes and trace elements. This solution may contain some or all of these substances, depending on its condition.

Although this solution usually contains lipids, it does not fatten you. Everyone needs calories, protein and fat, as well as other substances, to stay healthy.

Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphate, calcium and magnesium. Trace elements including zinc, copper, manganese and chrome. Electrolytes and trace elements are important for maintaining the health of almost all organs of the body. They help the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly and prevent that dry them out.

Your health care provider (doctor, nurse or pharmacist) staff can measure the effectiveness and side effects of treatment using laboratory tests and physical exams. It is important to comply with all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. The duration of the treatment will depend on your body's response to the medication.


Before giving this solution:

Tell your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to any medications. Tell your doctor and pharmacist what prescription and nonprescription medications you are taking, especially dexamethasone (Dead-on); medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease; prednisone; tetracycline; and vitamins.

Tell your doctor if you have or have ever had diabetes or heart, kidney, liver, lung disease, or Addison's disease. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, you plan to become pregnant or are breast-feeding, so that you can discuss with your doctor the risks and benefits of using this solution.