Monday 18 August 2014

Weight gain and neonatal nutrition

Premature babies need good nutrition, so that they reach a similar weight to that you would have achieved if they were still in uterus.


Babies of less than 37 weeks in the uterus (preterm) have nutritional needs than babies born at term (38 to 42 weeks).Premature babies will often remain in the unit of neonatal intensive care, where they will be careful scrutiny to ensure that they are receiving the correct balance of fluids and nutrition.

Incubators or special heaters help babies to keep their body temperature, which reduces the energy they have to use to stay hot. Also, humidified air (moist) is also used to help maintain body temperature and to avoid loss of liquids.


Babies born before 34 weeks are often unable to feed from a bottle or breast, since they have to coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing problems.

Other conditions can also interfere with the ability of a newborn to feed through to nipple. Some of them are:

•    Respiratory problems

•    Low oxygen levels

•    Circulatory problems

•     Blood infection

It is possible that infants very small or ill need to obtain their nutrition and fluids intravenously.

As they are strengthened, they can begin to receive breast milk or infant formula through a tube that is inserted into the stomach through the nose or mouth. This power is called enteral nasogastric tube.

The quantity of milk or milk formula (formula) increases very slowly to reduce the risk of an intestinal infection called enter colitis Necrotizing (ECN). Breastfed babies are less likely to get the infection.

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